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Hernan was born and raised in Central Connecticut for the majority of his life and he has recently joined our team at our Simsbury office. He solidified his decision to become an architect early on in life when he realized just how much time and effort he put into building small cities with his Legos and staying in “build mode” on The Sims. 

He graduated from the University of Hartford with a Bachelor of Science degree in Architectural Engineering (2011) and his Master’s of Architecture (2013). Working in the architectural field since 2011, Hernan has a vast background in the hospitality, workplace, and commercial sectors throughout New England as well as Southern Florida.

In his off-time, you can find Hernan doing one of three things: Getting his hands dirty with some home renovations/building something for friends or himself, photographing nature in a remote location, or relaxing playing video games. He’s a big fan of collecting masks from around the world, mostly from places that he has visited, and enjoys learning their meanings and diving into different cultures

What is the most important tool of your trade, and why?

The roll of trace paper, the perfect tool for getting all your thoughts out on paper. As you think, you stack another sheet and draw up new solutions for the same question. If it goes off the rails, you can always remove a few sheets and start back over. The more stacks of it you have taped on top of your drawings (or crumped up in the bin next to you), the more you’ve thought out all the different possibilities.

Describe the moment you realized architecture was for you.

The moment we are able to see something that started as a rough sketch on paper become reality. We constantly stare at the drawings, imagining what the space will feel like, how it will inspire or be experienced. Time passes and suddenly the building is completed, you walk into that space, and you get to feel exactly what you wanted others to feel. Each time that happens I am reminded that Architecture is for me.

How do you define the success of a project?

When you keep the client is as enthusiastic about the project (and you) as they were in the beginning.


35 Pond Park Rd. Bay 16
Hingham, MA 02043


8 Wilcox St.
Simsbury, CT 06070

North Carolina

128 Towerview Ct.
Cary, NC 27513